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2020 Advertisers

Gebr Alexander Mainz

Balu Musik

Beck Brass Works

Birdalone Music

Kendall Betts Horn Camp

Marcus Bonna Cases

Brass Journals

Tony Brazelton/Salzburger Echo


Chop-Sticks tm 

Classified Ad

Clebsch Strap

Crystal Records, Inc

David Krehbiel

DePaul University School of Music

Dürk Horns

Eli Epstein


Finke Horns

Historic Brass Society

Horns A Plenty Christmas


Houghton Horns, LLC

IHS Online Music Sales

IHS Composition Contest

IHS Student Advisory Committee

53rd International Horn Symposium

Join the International Horn Society

Ricco Kühn

S. W. Lewis Orchestral Horns

Norwegian Academy of Music

Osmun Music

Dieter Otto

Paxman Musical Instruments

Phoenix Music Publications


Engelbert Schmid GmbH


Richard Seraphinoff

Temple University

Terra Nova Productions


UNC School of the Arts

University of Arizona/Fred Fox School of Music

University of Massachusetts Amherst

USC Thornton School of Music

Chuck Ward Brass Instrument Restoration

Wichita Band Instrument Co., Inc.

Wind Music, Inc

Woodstop Mutes

Yamaha Corporation of America

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